has been the #1 choice of museums, art galleries and institutions for the preservation of precious items. Professional conservators, retailers, restorers and private individuals throughout the world depend on RENAISSANCE WAX to protect their collections and for in home use.
Polishes and Protects:
Guard your precious pieces against the damaging effects of humidity, heat, dust, environmental destruction, aging and ordinary wear.
RENAISSANCE WAX provides a barrier against fingerprints and the devastation of water, wine, alcohol and other spills. With its high moisture resistance, it forms a durable, lustrous protective coating. Prevents tarnish, corrosion and "bloom;" remains completely waterproof, retards weathering on exteriors and objects exposed to climatic abrasion.
A Little Goes A Long Way
and Lasts a Long Time! Excellent spread and indefinite shelf life make RENAISSANCE WAX economical and convenient, even for very large objects and infrequent use. A small dab goes a long way, unlike most waxes that need generous application. Use a minimal amount of RENAISSANCE WAX, rub lightly, and buff if a gloss is desired. The long-lasting preservation reduces the need for frequent maintenance. Airtight container keeps wax in perfect condition; always spreadable, no caking or drying out; indefinite shelf life; no "polish smell;" no added fragrance to endanger substrate material.
Cleans Beautifully:
Lift oil, dirt and the murky accretions of other polishes. The surface detail remains crystal clear through unlimited applications of this translucent wax; removes previous wax build-up; reveals fine detail & wood grain; non-staining, non-abrasive.
Restores and Enhances:
Revitalize and return your objects to pristine condition. RENAISSANCE WAX buffs easily to a hard, transparent finish that will not discolor; Renews fading colors and "tired finishes;" retains matte finish when unpolished; buffs to a high gloss; reduces shine of new picture varnish.
For Use On:
Furniture, Antique & New Sculpture, Porcelain, Pottery & Ceramics; Cutlery Knives, Swords, Armor; Jewelry, Carvings, Antiquities, Bibelots, Hardware, Wood Interiors, Fine Books, Clocks, Paintings, Oils, Acrylics, Gouaches, Tempera, Alkyds, Pastels, Oil Sticks, Martins Dyes, India Inks, Photographic Prints, Carvings, Engraving, Scrimshaw, Architectural Ornaments, PLUS; Automobiles, Boats and Yachts, Decoys, Golf Clubs, Firearms, Frames, Kitchen Cabinets, Counters, Appliances, and much more!
SAFE to protect all these Materials:
Wood; raw & finished. Leather, Parchment & Paper. Metal; Silver, Silverplate, Gold, Copper & Copper Alloys (Bronze, Brass, Tin, Zinc, German Silver, Nickel), Lead & Pewter, Iron & Iron Alloys, Tin & Tin Alloys. Damascus; Stone, Marble, Onyx, Limestone, Granite, Brick, Tile, Terrazzo, Obsidian, Alabaster; Gems, Glass, Porcelain, Holloware, Bone, Ivory, Horn, Shell & Mother-of-Pearl, Gutta Percha, Dammars; Gilding & Gold Leaf, Patinas. Enamel, Lacquer, Japanning, Cloute, Pose d'Or, Pique Point, Varnish, Marbleizing, Stains & Artificial Graining. Plastics, Formicas, Paints, Polyvinyl Acetates, Esters of Polymethyacrylic, Polycyclohexanones, Fiberglas Epoxy Resins, and much more!
Renaissance wax polish - 200ml size can
The standard size can is aimed at the general market / for use in the home.
Renaissance wax polish - 65ml size can
Trial or 'gift' size - an exact miniature replica of the 200ml can aimed at the craftsman who wants to give a gift to the customer of commissioned work as an after-sales service.